Research Psychologist, U.S. Census Bureau
Dr. Lin Wang is a Research Psychologist with a range of expertise including human performance analysis, eye tracking research, data analytics, healthcare research, and information technology. In his human factors research, Dr. Wang’s interest has been centered on information processing in persons with normal and impaired vision. He has more than 30 years of experiences in eye tracking research using three major methods: Infra-red pupil-center/corneal-reflection technology, electro-oculography, and scleral search coil technology. Dr. Wang has conducted a variety of human performance and usability evaluation studies including air traffic controller vigilance, prosthetic vision, online survey instruments, data dissemination websites, and mobile-device-based web applications; and published about 20 peer-reviewed research articles. He is currently serving as the leader of the Human Factors Research Group at the U.S. Census Bureau.
With the increasing ubiquity of smartphones, survey practice has quietly been revolutionized. Instead of conducting a phone interview or mailing a questionnaire on paper, more and more surveys are now conducted on the internet with smartphones. Online surveys on smartphones have indisputable advantages, such as convenience to respond, greater coverage, and lower cost. On the […]
Eye tracking is an important tool in usability testing of a screen-based user interface. Though eye tracking has been used in usability testing for quite a while, challenges remain. For example, how to accurately calibrate gaze point? How to interpret a scan pattern? This situation suggests a need for education of basic eye tracking knowledge […]